Hymns (Tropars & Kondaks)

Monday: The Holy Angels

Tropar Tone 4

Leaders of the heavenly hosts, although we are always unworthy, we beseech you that with your prayers you may encircle us with the protection of the wings of your angelic glory. Watch over us as we bow low and earnestly cry out to You: Deliver us from danger, O Princes of the heavenly hosts.

Kondak Tone 2

O leaders of the armies of God and servants of the divine glory, guardians of mankind and leaders of the angels, intercede for us in all our needs, and obtain for us abundant mercy; for you are the leaders of the heavenly hosts.

Tuesday: St. John the Baptist

Tropar Tone 2

The remembrance of the just is worthy of praise, but the Lord’s testimony sufficient for you, O Forerunner; for it has shown that you are indeed more worthy of honor than the Prophets. You were found worthy to baptize the Lord whom you foretold. Thereafter, you suffered for the truth and, rejoicing, also announced the Good News to those in the abyss that God had appeared as man taking away the sins of the world and granting to all of us the abundance of mercy.

Kondak Tone 3

Today, she who was once barren gives birth to the Forerunner of Christ, the fulfillment of all prophecy. In the Jordan, John laid his hand upon Him whom the Prophets foretold showing himself to be the prophet, the herald and forerunner of the Word of God.

Wednesday and Friday: The Holy Cross

Tropar Tone 1

O Lord, save Your people, and bless Your inheritance. Grant Orthodox Christians victory over their enemies, and protect Your people with Your Cross.

Kondak Tone 4

Lifted up of Your own will upon the Cross, You bestow Your mercy upon the new people that bears Your name. Make the Orthodox people glad in Your strength, giving them victory over their enemies. May Your Cross assist them in spiritual struggles, weapon of peace and unconquerable standard of victory.

Thursday: The Holy Apostles and St. Nicholas

Tropar for the Apostles Tone 3

O holy Apostles, pray to our merciful God to grant our souls forgiveness of our sins.

Tropar for St. Nicholas Tone 4

The truth of things has revealed you to your flock as a rule of faith, a model of meekness, and a teacher of temperance. Therefore you have won the heights by humility, riches by poverty, O holy Father and Hierarch Nicholas, intercede with Christ our God that our souls be saved.

Kondak for the Apostles Tone 2

O Lord, You have received the steadfast preachers of the Good News, the Leaders of Your Apostles, into the enjoyment of Your goodness and repose. You have accepted their labors and death before any other sacrifice, for only You know the secrets of our heart.

Kondak to St. Nicholas Tone 3

You were a true priestly worker in Myra, O Holy Nicholas, for zealously living the Gospel of Christ, you dedicated your life to your people and you saved the innocent from death. Therefore, you have been sanctified as one who has entered the mystery of God’s grace.

Saturday: The Virgin Mary, All the Saints, and the Departed

Tropar All Saints Tone 2

O Apostles, Martyrs, Prophets, Hierarchs, Venerable Saints, Righteous Ones, who have finished the good fight and have kept the Faith, seeing that you have boldness before the Savior, intercede we pray to you for the salvation of our souls.

Tropar for the Departed Tone 2

Remember the souls of Your servants, O Lord, for You are good, and insofar as they sinned in this life, forgive them; for no one is sinless but You, who are able to give rest to the departed.

Kondak for the Martyrs Tone 8

The world offers to You, O Lord, as the Father of creation, the Godbearing Martyrs as the first fruits of nature. By their prayers through the Mother of God keep Your Church in deep peace, O Most Merciful One.

Kondak for the Departed Tone 8

O Christ, rest the souls of Your servants with the Saints, where there is no pain, sorrow, or sighing, but life everlasting.

Resurrectional Hymns for Sundays in the Eight Tones



Your tomb was sealed with a stone by the Jews, and the soldiers guarded Your most pure body: yet You arose on the third day, O Savior, giving life to the world. The heavenly powers cried out to You, O Giver of Life: “Glory to Your Resurrection, O Christ! Glory to Your kingdom! Glory to Your plan of salvation, for You alone love mankind.”


Being God, You rose in glory from the tomb, O Lord, restoring life to the world and conquering death. All humanity exalts You as God. Adam rejoices and Eve delivered from her bonds glorifies and cries out to You: “O Christ, You are the Resurrection of all.”



When You submitted to death, O immortal Life, You made death powerless by the radiance of Your divinity. When You raised the dead from the depths of the earth, all heavenly powers exclaimed: “O Giver of Life, glory to You!”


You arose from the dead, O Almighty Savior! Death witnessed the miracle and was filled with fear, as the dead arose. All creation beheld it and rejoices in You: even Adam rejoices. The universe exalts You, O my Savior, forever.



Let the heavens rejoice and let the earth be glad! For the Lord has shown strength with His arm, trampling down death by death, He has become the first born of the dead. He has delivered us from the depths of the realm of death, and has given great mercy to the world.


Today You arose from the grave, O Merciful One, and lifted us from the gates of death. Adam exalts, and Eve rejoices. They, together with the Prophets and the Patriarchs, continually proclaim the Divine Authority of Your power.



The joyful message of the Resurrection was heard by the faithful women from the angel, having been freed from the ancestral curse, they boasted to the Apostles: “Triumphantly death has been overcome! Christ our God has risen, granting great mercy to the world.”


O my Savior and Redeemer, as God You lifted fallen man from the bondage of the grave. You shattered the gates of death. As the Master, You arose on the third day.



We the faithful proclaim and worship the Word, eternal with the Father and the Spirit. He was born of the Virgin for our salvation. He willingly ascended in the flesh and suffered death. He raised the dead by His glorious Resurrection.


O my Savior, You descended into the realm of death. You crushed its power, for You are the almighty. As Creator, You raised the dead with Yourself. Adam, who had been condemned was redeemed. O Lover of mankind, we call to You, saying: O Lord, save us!



Angelic powers were before Your grave and the guards became like dead men. Mary stood at the grave, seeking Your most pure body. You captured death, but were not tempted by it, O Giver of life, You met the virgin. O Lord, You arose from the dead. Glory to You!


Christ, as the origin of all life, You raised the dead from the valley of darkness. You, as God, restored all the righteous. You resurrected the human race. You are the Savior, as well as Resurrection, the Life, and the God of all.



You have destroyed death by Your Cross. You opened Paradise to the thief. You changed the weeping of the Myrrhbearers to joy. You commanded Your Apostles to proclaim: “Christ our God has risen, granting great mercy to the world.”


No longer can the might of death rule over men, for Christ has come destroying and shattering its power. Death is bound in chains: The prophets with joy unite their voices, saying: “The Savior has come to those who believe! Enter, faithful, into the Resurrection!”



You came to earth from heaven, O Gracious One. You allowed Yourself to be in the grave for three days that we might be freed from our passions. O Lord, our life and our Resurrection, glory to You.


You raised the dead when You arose from the grave. You restored Adam, and Eve rejoices in Your Resurrection. Since You have risen from the dead, O Merciful One, there is celebration throughout all the world.